China and Hong Kong
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Atsumi & Sakai has a significant Chinese Practice Team composed of experienced Chinese lawyers, and Japanese and foreign lawyers with experience working on China-related matters and for Chinese clients.
Our ability to provide in-depth knowledge of the legal, regulatory, and business regimes in China has been a great benefit to our clients doing business in China, while our Chinese lawyers’ experience in Japan has helped our Chinese clients in their dealings in Japan.
Our relevant expertise includes:
- Experienced lawyers qualified in the PRC and Taiwan
- In-depth knowledge and local practice experience with China’s regulatory systems and the nuances of doing business in China
- Lawyers fluent in written and spoken Chinese, English, and Japanese
- Close co-operative relationship with Chinese local law firms and other leading firms across Greater China
Sample Material Transactions
- Advised several Chinese companies acquiring solar power projects in Japan, establishing Japanese subsidiaries and joint ventures, and financing the projects
- Advised a leading Chinese online game developer on establishing a Japanese subsidiary, VC investment in two Japanese start-ups, acquiring IP from, and collaborating with, Japanese IP holders, advising on the registration of telecommunications businesses and services, the regulation of virtual currency issues, protection of personal data, cybersecurity, and IP infringement
- Advised a US REIT on a multi-billion dollar investment fund to acquire properties in the PRC
- Advised a leading Hong Kong real estate investor on the acquisition of a landmark hotel in Japan
- Advised a major Chinese textiles firm on both Japanese and Chinese law in relation to its acquisition of a controlling stake in a Japanese apparel company by a third-party allocation of new shares
- Advised a Japanese waste recycling company on its IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
- Represented a Japanese biotech company on a co-development agreement and license agreement with a Taiwanese pharmaceutical company in connection with the development of medicines
- Advised a Japanese company on its IPO on the GreTai Securities Market in Taiwan
- Advised a leading Chinese global technologies conglomerate on telecoms regulations in Japan
- Advised a leading Chinese smartphone manufacturer on its entry into the Japanese market, including comprehensive advice on all related compliance issues, such as sales of smartphones in Japan, recycling, import registration, SIM card lock restrictions, cross-border transfer of personal data, and privacy policies
- Advised a Chinese handset component vendor on the acquisition of a Japanese competitor from a leading Japanese venture capital firm
- Advised a leading Japanese trading company on the acquisition of an American health food manufacturer with subsidiaries in China and the UK, including due diligence and antitrust filings
- Advised Chinese and Hong Kong companies, including a leading Chinese global internet company, on data protection and data breach issues in Japan
- Advised a Shanghai-exchange listed company acquiring sensor business in Japan, China, and Hong Kong from a Japanese company, including due diligence investigation, attending negotiations, drafting related agreements, etc.
- Advised several Chinese companies acquiring solar power stations in Japan, establishing Japanese subsidiaries and joint ventures, financing of power station projects
Related Practices
Related Publications
- “[Seminar Report] Commentaries on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), China’s Personal Information Protection Law and Korea’s Personal Information Protection Law,” Westlaw Japan K.K. (March 2023)
- “Study Report on Overseas Stablecoin Use Cases and Analysis of Related Regulations,” Financial Services Agency (2022) [Co-author]
- "Overview of Chinese Civil Code which comes into force in 2021 and Impact on Corporate Practices," Junkan Keirijouhou, No. 1585 (2020) [Co-author]
- Chinese Business Law System: Organized by Internal Division and by Situation [Second Edition], Nippon Hyoronsha Co. Ltd. (February, 2017)
Related Seminars
- "The Latest on Personal Information in Europe, China and Japan: GDPR, China's Personal Information Protection Law, Government Access and Enforcement Cases," hosted by Atsumi & Sakai and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI), May 15, 2024
"Asia M&A Investment Seminar," hosted by Atsumi & Sakai, March 6, 2024
- "Explanation of Global Internal Whistle-blower Systems in Laws in Europe, China and Taiwan in light of Foreign Bribery Cases," hosted by Atsumi & Sakai, Thomson Reuters KK and Westlaw Japan K.K., February 25, 2020
- "Comparison between GDPR and China’s Cybersecurity Law and Practical Key Points for Japanese Companies," hosted by Atsumi & Sakai and Westlaw Japan K.K., January 21, 2019
Related links
- "Research Study on Recent Trends of Data Protection Acts in Other Countries,” Personal Information Protection Commission (2018) [Co-author] (Japanese / External Website)