©2001-2025 Atumi & Sakai
Career opportunities:Legal Professionals / Staff
Our Firm operates on the basis of the following three principles to fulfill our mission, which is "to create value for our clients by providing comprehensive legal solutions tailored for each deal and to simultaneously play a leading role in promoting the fair development of business and society". We also place an emphasis on these principles in securing and developing top talent.
Our Firm believes that on-the-job training is the most effective way for lawyers to improve their skills. New lawyers in our Firm learn the ropes of legal practice by working with senior lawyers and registered foreign lawyers.
We have cultivated a culture where tackling new challenges in cutting-edge fields where no precedents exist and adopting a positive attitude to developing legal technology with creative ideas is appreciated.
Multiple perspectives and flexible attitudes are essential in order to accurately identify the nature of issues to be addressed, to pursue watertight solutions, and to meet the needs of clients.
We place great value on maintaining a free atmosphere in which varied views can be expressed and are respected based on the trust we have in each of our lawyers and registered foreign lawyers. As a result, even new lawyers can immediately play an active role and express their own opinions freely, so that they can engage in their work with an understanding of the whole picture and not only the part they are in charge of.
Furthermore, we consider diversity to be highly important to our Firm. For example, women account for more than 20% of the total number of our Japanese and non-Japanese lawyers. , partners, and the members of the management committee of our Firm. Our lawyer team includes at least 10 registered foreign lawyers and other foreign lawyers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Australia, and the People's Republic of China, among others. In order to enable each person to make the most of their individuality and to demonstrate their abilities to the fullest, we strive to further develop and improve the Firm’s workplace environment.
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We have established a system that enables us to build optimized teams for each matter by selecting personnel with the appropriate experience and knowledge. Our system also enables us to cooperate with top law firms from around the world on a case-by-case basis, making use of the multiple global networks to which we belong as well as the unique connections that we have established through various channels.
We have established a practice group system within the office, the purpose of which is not to divide the members vertically by practice group, but rather to deal with matters effectively and efficiently by accumulating knowledge and know-how within each group and then cooperating and collaborating across groups. We strive to create a framework for pursuing the best possible results by gathering the latest information on each matter and, armed with superior data, by working hard and encouraging each other to constantly move forward.
We are always looking for people who are willing to grow and aim for further development with us.