©2001-2025 Atumi & Sakai
Senior Partner
Japan (1998)
Tokyo Bar Association
Waseda University (LL.B., 1994) The Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
Public prosecutor (1998-1999) Lecturer at Waseda University Law Department (October 2001-December 2003)
Special member of the Asset Based Lending Association Auditor of the Japan personal property appraisal nonprofit organization “Nihon Dosan Kantei” Member of the Asset Based Lending Review Board (ABL Business at Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2013, 2014, 2016) Member and Board member of the Medical Corporation KISENKAI (March 2016-)
6000 Legal Countermeasures for Financial Institutions Vol.4: Money Lending & Collection, Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs (2022) [Co-author]