
Atsumi & Sakai (Tokyo, Japan) (Partner, 2006-2011)
Clifford Chance (Tokyo, Japan) (2000–2006)
Nishimura & Partners (Tokyo, Japan) (1999–2000)
Norton Rose (London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Jakarta) (1986–1998)


Trinity Hall, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK (LL.M. ,1985)
Kingston Polytechnic, London, UK (BA (Hons.) Law, 1984)

Mr. Hounslow is not registered in Japan as gaikokuho-jimu-bengoshi and neither practices law nor acts as an intermediary of legal matters on any laws in Japan; he does not practice law or advise on English or any other law in the UK or elsewhere.
Neither Atsumi & Sakai LPC nor Atsumi & Sakai Europe Limited is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for England and Wales.


  • “International Compliance”, Japan Chapter, (C.H. Beck, Hart, Nomos (editor Dr. Konstantin von Busekist) , 2015)
  • "Getting the Deal Through- Construction 2013", Japan Chapter,(Law Business Research Ltd., 2012) [Co-author]
  • "Expansion of PPP opportunities in Japan", Euromoney Yearbooks- Privatisation & Public Private Partnership Review 2012/13, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC (2012) [Co-author]
  • "Country Q&A Japan" Corporate Real Estate Handbook 2010/2011, Practical Law Company (2010) [Co-author]
  • "Country Q&A Japan" PLC Cross-border Construction and Projects Handbook 2010/11, Practical Law Company (2010) [Co-author]
  • "Practical Considerations for Private Equity Investments" [Co-author] July 2007 edition of Japan Review Asialaw
  • "Modernizing Japanese Corporate Law—Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law" June 2003 [Co-author]
  • "Doing Business in Japan" Asian Venture Capital Journal [Co-author]
  • Japan chapter of "Norton Rose on Cross-border Security" [Co-author]

Web Articles


  • Moderator on "Due Diligence in Japan" at the IFLR/IPBA Asia M&A Conference 2005