Europe and the EU

The cutting-edge content and broad scope of application of the regulations under EU law have shaped the rules in the global marketplace. This strong norm-shaping power has had a variety of effects on many Japanese companies, including those not based in the EU. In particular, due to the coming into effect of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement in 2019, the relationship between Japan and the EU and its member states is growing closer, and EU law is becoming increasingly important to Japanese companies.
Atsumi & Sakai, as a Japanese law firm with Europe-based offices in London, Frankfurt, and Brussels, provides real-time legal services to clients in Japan and the EU for both inbound and outbound economic activities through cooperation among our experienced lawyers and foreign lawyers at our European offices and our Tokyo office. Looking back the history of our Europe-related practice, shortly after the Brexit vote results in 2016, we promptly held a seminar about the problems caused by Brexit in Japan where we shared the latest information.
Our EU law practice has expanded with the development of EU law, based on contacts with EU institutions, local information, and networking and collaboration with local law firms that we have cultivated over many years. Our main areas of practice are EU competition law (advice on cartels, business combination regulations, regulations on abuse of dominant positions, horizontal or vertical restraints, state aid, foreign subsidies regulations, etc.), digital business operator regulations, EU trade laws (advice on customs law, advice on the EPA negotiations, economic sanctions, foreign direct investment regulations, etc.), import control regulations, intellectual property protection, personal information protection (GDPR, etc.), and various regulations under the European Green Deal policies. We also provide advice on financial regulations in Europe, taking advantage of our long history of handling finance-related matters.
In addition, our firm also has a growing number of attorneys with experience working in London, Frankfurt, and Brussels, and is able to provide clients with support tailored to local conditions in Europe. In addition, the Tokyo office and our European offices have collaborated to establish a Europe/EU team, which consists mainly of personnel who deal with European projects, creating an advanced borderless system between Europe and Japan.
We are also engaged in theoretical studies in order to accurately comprehend the unique nature of EU law and its relationship with the complex laws of the member states. Many of our lawyers are members of study associations, which offer them opportunities to consult the opinions of prominent scholars and practitioners from around the world.


Sample Material Transactions:

  • Advised the European Commission on Japanese law in the EPA negotiations between Japan and Europe
  • Acting as lead and local counsel on behalf of Japanese and foreign companies in international cartel cases involving areas including automotive parts, air cargo, and ships
  • Conducted an EU antidumping investigation for Japanese companies
  • Advised on establishment of compliance systems at the branches and subsidiaries of Japanese companies operating in Europe, including advice relating to EU regulations
  • Advised a Japanese company on EU regulations relating to technology transfers
  • Advising a leading Italian global apparel conglomerate on the restructuring and spin-off of its various Japanese operations
  • Advising a Swiss HR consultancy on various employment law issues in Japan, including structuring stock options and related regulations
  • Advising an Italian specialist construction supplies company on the acquisition of its Japanese distributor
  • Advising a French global automotive supplier on HR issues in Japan

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