©2001-2025 Atumi & Sakai
Japan (2019)
Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association
Osaka City University (LL.B., 2014) Kyoto University (LL.M., 2016) The Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
Koike Ito Law Office (December 2019-December 2020)
"Survey Report on Foreign Systems that May Affect the Proper Handling of Specified User Information," Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (2024) [Co-author]
“Report on Research on Currency Law Systems in the US and Europe,” Ministry of Finance (2023) [Co-author]
"Contract Templates for Equity Investment in Startups," Fintech Association of Japan (2023) [as a Study Group Secretariat]
"Current Situation and Future Prospects surrounding Startup Support," Horitsu no Hiroba, December 2023, the Gyosei Corporation (2023)[Co-author]
”Lawyers Guide 2023," Lexis Nexis and Business & Law LLC (January 2023) [Interview]
"Points of Caution in Handling Personal Information in Online Medical Care," Journal of Pediatric Medicine, Vol. 54 No. 12 (December 2022) [Co-author]
[Survey Document] “Major Laws and Regulations related to FinTech,” The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC) (December 2022) [Co-author]
“Recommendations on Incident Investigations and Information Sharing Under the Telecommunications Business Act,” Policy Research Institute (August 1, 2022) [Co-author]