
We advise on all the legal and related issues involved in developing, producing, and exploiting feature films, and we pride ourselves on always giving comprehensive, practical, and relevant advice that meets our clients’ commercial needs. We provide a full spectrum of legal services, which include:

  • Drafting and advising on option agreements
  • Writers’ agreements and first overhead deals
  • Advising on structuring co-productions
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Joint ventures
  • Equity finance and bank financing (both pre-sale and debt)
  • Drafting and negotiating talent agreements,
  • Including director, producer, artist and composer agreements
  • Chain of title and clearance reports.
  • Advising on sales agency agreements and distribution deals

When advising foreign clients, our firm can field a team of expert Japanese lawyers and foreign lawyers who have relevant experience and bi-cultural sensitivity. Our team can do business and draft documents in Japanese, English, German, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, and Marathi, and provides services around the clock through our global affiliated offices.



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