©2001-2025 Atumi & Sakai
Japan (2012)
Tokyo Bar Association
The University of Tokyo (LL.B., 2005) Yamanashi Gakuin University, Graduate School of Law (J.D., 2011) The Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
Development Bank of Japan (currently Development Bank of Japan Inc. ) (April 2005-March 2008) Nakashima Miyamoto & Mizoguchi Attorneys At Law (December 2012-February 2015) Corporation for Revitalizing Earthquake affected Business (March 2015-January 2017) Secondment with the Market Surveillance Division of the Executive bureau, Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (March 2017-August 2018)
"Updates on the Hydrogen Society Promotion Bill and CCS Business Bill (April 2024)" (April 2024) [Co-author]
"Generation wheeling charge system" (February 2024) [Co-author]
"Latest CCS Commercialization Trends in Japan"(November 2023)[Co-author]
”Revisions to the Basic Hydrogen Strategy” (October 2023) [Co-author]
"Battery Storage Subsidies in Japan" (February 2023) [Co-author]