©2001-2025 Atumi & Sakai
Atsumi & Sakai has received high evaluation in Banking and finance, Corporate and M&A, Fintech, Intellectual property, Investment Funds, Projects and energy, Risk management and investigations and TMT.
Also, 14 lawyers are named as "Leading Individuals" and 5 lawyers are named as "Next generation partners" in each of the practice areas.
【Leading Individuals】
Setsuko Yufu, Partner - Antitrust and competition (Hall of Fame)
Akio Kawamura, Partner - Investment funds
Russell K. Kawahara, Partner - Real estate and construction
Yutaka Sakai, Partner - Banking and finance - Shipping (Hall of Fame)
Miho Niunoya, Partner - Projects and energy (Hall of Fame)
Chie Kasahara, Partner
- Intellectual property - TMT
Ryuichi Nozaki, Partner - Investment funds
Yuri Suzuki, Partner - Banking and finance - Fintech
Michiaki Hosoi, Partner - Projects and energy
Fumiko Oikawa, Partner - Capital markets
Takafumi Uematsu, Partner - Real estate and construction
Tatsuo Yamashima, Partner - Antitrust and competition - Labour and employment
Takafumi Ochiai, Partner - Fintech - TMT
Kohei Murakawa, Partner - Dispute resolution
【Next generation partners】
Masayuki Matsuura, Partner - Antitrust and competition
Akira Shimazaki , Partner - Banking and finance
Tomoko Watanabe, Partner - Projects and energy
Rie Kishida, Partner - Projects and energy
Osamu Fujiwara, Partner - Fintech