©2001-2025 Atumi & Sakai
Our firm has been ranked in Tier 1 for "Capital markets: Structured finance and securitisation" and Tier 2 for "Banking", "Project finance", and "Project development", and highly ranked for "Capital markets: Equity", "Capital markets: Debt" and "M&A" in the IFLR1000's 2018 Financial and Corporate guide.
Also, six of our lawyers are named as "Leading Lawyer" in each of the following areas.
Hiroo Atsumi, Partner - Banking - Capital markets: Structured finance and securitisation
Yutaka Sakai, Partner - Energy and infrastructure - Project development - Banking - Project finance - Capital markets: Structured finance and securitisation
Miho Niunoya, Partner - Energy and infrastructure - Project development - Banking - Project finance - M&A
Ryuichi Nozaki, Partner - Banking - Capital markets: Structured finance and securitisation
Yuri Suzuki, Partner - Banking
Reiko Yoshida, Partner - Banking - M&A